Memcached is a caching platform, which has been gaining in popularity in recent years because of its effectiveness. It is used to cache requests and replies between a database and the application that uses it, which can increase the overall performance of your site and decrease the generated server load considerably. Every time a webpage on an application-powered website is opened, the app connects to the database and "asks" what info should be shown, and then extracts it. With Memcached, these steps are skipped, since the platform has already cached all the content that should be shown on a particular web page. When any content is changed, the Memcached content is updated too, so the website visitors will never end up seeing outdated data. The platform is a perfect solution for any Internet site that entices many visitors, as it will boost its loading speed and will improve the overall user experience.
Memcached in Hosting
When you host script-based websites in a hosting account with us, you will be able to add the Memcached data caching system to your hosting package with just a few clicks of the mouse from your Hepsia Control Panel. The upgrade will be available instantaneously and, since the PHP extension required for it is pre-installed on our avant-garde cloud hosting platform, you can begin using it right away. To give you more flexibility, we offer two separate upgrades related to the number of instances (in other words – how many sites will use Memcached) and to the memory that the Memcached caching system will use. The latter is offered in increments of 16 megabytes and you can order as much memory as you wish. Naturally, the more memory Memcached is allowed to use, the more data it will cache, so if you own a regularly visited website with lots of data, you may require more memory to be able to make full use of the power that Memcached can give you.
Memcached in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you choose to host your Internet sites in a semi-dedicated server account, you will be able to take advantage of Memcached with ease, as the caching platform’s setup takes several clicks from the Hepsia Control Panel. The extension that is required is already installed on our servers, so you can start using Memcached as soon as you add it to your account. You’ll be able to choose how many websites can use it and how much information it will cache, in other words – there’re two different features that can be upgraded – the instances and the amount of system memory. You can add more of both, so if one of your websites becomes extremely busy, for instance, you can always order more memory. Our system is quite flexible in this regard and we do not tie a given number of instances to a fixed amount of memory. You can take advantage of the Memcached caching platform to increase the loading speed of any script-powered website, including those that are based on popular software apps, such as Joomla or WordPress.
Memcached in Dedicated Hosting
If you obtain one of our Linux dedicated hosting and if you choose Hepsia as your web hosting Control Panel on the order page, you will get the Memcached object caching platform by default and you can activate it for each site that you host on the server without upgrading or installing anything. It will start storing content as people open your website, so you’ll notice the results of using it soon thereafter. The minimum amount of memory that will be available to the caching platform is 3 GB and naturally, the more powerful the dedicated plan, the more system memory Memcached will have at its disposal. This amount will enable you to take advantage of the caching platform for a lot of Internet sites or for an extremely heavy website without compromising its efficiency. Memcached will enable you to accelerate the load speed of any database-powered website in no time – a Joomla portal, a WordPress personal blog, an OpenCart web store, etcetera, and to boost the overall performance of your dedicated server.