.NET.AU Pricing

TLD 1 Year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years
Sole .NET.AU registration $14.50 $35.00 $49.50 $64.00 $78.50

TLD Details

TLD Registrar-Lock Transfers Edit WHOIS ID Protect Registration Period
.NET.AU no yes (EPP) yes no 1-5 years

Registering .NET.AU Domain Names

If you have an IT corporation or any telecommunications-related business registered in Australia and if you would like to show up higher in local search results, you can always consider selecting the .NET.AU domain name extension. This local extension is limited only to companies and organizations registered in Australia, so you can still find numerous free .NET.AU domain names that are available for registration.At YourDomainBoss.Com, you can register your .NET.AU domain name for 24 months at a time. The price of a two-year .NET.AU domain name registration is only $14.50.

.NET.AU Domains with YourDomainBoss.Com

If you want to have full control over different .NET.AU domains, but you do not want to deal with complicated domain name administration interfaces or different Control Panels, we have just the solution for you. With YourDomainBoss.Com's Domain Manager, you will have full control over your .NET.AU domain names and you will be in a position to control other domains too, all from the same place. It is possible to easily change your domains' DNS records, to effortlessly assign URL forwarding, to park limitless domain names and more.

For those who have a hosting account with YourDomainBoss.Com, it's possible to comfortably take care of your web sites and your domains from the very same Control Panel.